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Doctors & Professionals

The Caress Flow Webinars

Webinar Prof Cagnacci: Caress Flow effect on young women in menopause induced by mammary carcinoma.

Webinar presented on 21 September 2021 by Professor Cagnacci and Dr. Massarotti on the efficacy of the Caress Flow treatment on young women in menopause induced for breast cancer.

Prof. Cagnacci. New Therapeutic Approaches for the Vaginal Environment – XX National Congress of the A.G.E.O.

Prof. Cagnacci explains the effectiveness of the Caress Flow treatment on young women in menopause induced for breast cancer during the XX National Congress A.G.E.O. held in Padua from 31/3 to 2/4/2022.



Webinar Prof. Murina: Vulvo-Vaginal atrophy and GSM

Intervention edited.

Webinar: the treatment of urethral burning with Caress Flow

Dr. Ester Veronesi illustrates the recently published study for the treatment of urethral burning with Caress Flow.

Webinar: Lichen treatment with Caress Flow

Dr. Elena Bertozzi illustrates the recently published study for the treatment of Lichen with Caress Flow.

Webinar: the treatment of relapsing candidiasis with Caress Flow

Dr. Elena Bertozzi illustrates the recently published study for the treatment of Relapsing Candidiasis with Caress Flow.

Webinar: Treatment of Vestibulitis with Caress Flow

Dr. Elena Bertozzi illustrates the recently published study for the treatment of Vestibulitis with Caress Flow.

Webinar by Dr. Tirelli: Caress Flow the clinical experience

Dr. Tirelli presents her experience with Caress Flow.